Monday, November 26, 2007

How does a garden keep you up at night?

See Suzi's Garden there at the edge of the patio. All summer long we had great tomatoes. Her garden would still be producing tomatoes if we kept trimming it back.

Late at night we would hear Luke go nuts barking, and running down the fence there. I would yell out our window for him to shut up, but it would only keep him quite for a couple of minutes. Then the growling and running, and barking would resume. Night after night after night. I'm not sure why we didn't get complaints. We deserved some. We found out one night at dinner that we weren't the only fan of the garden.

I guess our visitor came early, and Luke kept him/her running back and forth on that top wood rail. It was a smaller rat, but a rat for sure. Eventually our dog / part time cat caught the rat. Found it dead. Slept well the rest of the summer.
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