Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Dad why do you have a hole in your ear. Georgia, everyone has a hole in their ear. NOOooo, you have one in your earlobe. No I don't. Yes you do. No I don't. Yes...you do. No I don't. DAD! Georgia, it's a dimple, I have a dimple in my ear, ok. You have a dimple in both sides of your ear? Dad, you have a hole in your ear. NO I DON'T. Yes you do. Ugh, ok, let me tell you what may have happened when I was young, but don't tell the other kids. A cat bit me me. I don't like to talk about it. It brings back nightmares........(Long pause)........... Dad. Yes dear? Were you one of those homie guys? (That means a gangster in Georgia talk) No I was most certainly not a homie guy. Well then why do you have a hole in your ear? I told you, listen, I just don't like to talk about it. Nightmares.
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1 comment:

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Great story!
