Monday, March 26, 2007

Do I look like someone who has Hyperthyroidism?

NO. Maybe a little more like someone who has Hypothryrodism..................

I've just about had it. Tired of talking about negative feed back loops, and the Hypothalamic pituitary thyroid axis (of evil). Tire of Hypothalamus', pituitarys, and Thyroids. Glands and chemicals. Dosing, and contraindications. Indications, and warnings. Free, and bound T3 and T4. Signs and Symptoms, and end organ damage. Prevalence, and goiters. Treatments, and causes.

I just want to go home. 4th week in Chicago, and I think my brain is close to full. So, Thursday I fly home. Until then I guess it's more of the above, with some sales messages thrown in just for fun! It's really not that fun.

You know measuring TSH is the standard for discovering Thyroid issues. You confirm a diagnosis with a free T3 measurement. Good to know. Keep that one in your pocket for a dinner party. I'm sure that's a lady killer.

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