Sunday, November 09, 2008

Super Sam!

While everyone is about to leave, or leaving the dinner table.
Sam- Ok, ok, everyone hold it. I've got an idea. How about everyone clear their own plates from the table rinse them, and put them in the dishwasher.
Patrick- I already did.
Sam- No, you didn't. I saw you put in the sink.
Patrick- You can't prove that's mine.
Sam- Everyone still has theirs.
Patrick- So, I put mine in the dishwasher.
Patrick-...........hmm........since your standing there right next to it, how about you do it.
Me- Patrick, just do it.
Patrick- Ok.

I love Sam's sudden enlightenment. It's only been 6 or so years since he's been able to do this, and I love Patrick's "there is no way I'm doing this simple task" attitude. He's a good boy. Does what I ask him. Apparently not what anyone else wants him to do.


R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Typical teenager. You've gotta love 'em but sometimes they are quite annoying. Take this morning..."JJ, can you empty the dishwasher?" "No problem, dad". 5+ minutes later, the dishwasher is just about empty. "Hey, I was going to do that."

Josh said...

Hillarious! those kids are great!

Maria said...

Ha! Your kids are too funny!