Wednesday, January 31, 2007

History Repeated? The Media's Influence in Vietnam & Iraq

This article was written in 2004, and I found it fascinating. I've heard the author interviewed recently, and in my opinion has a really balanced non political view of the middle east situation.

This article focuses on how he feels the media influenced the outcome of the Vietnam War, and how it can once again have the same affect. Note that it was written in 2004 as well, and he was a non-war supporter prior to the beginning of the war. It's a less than five minute read and really worth your time.

"Arnaud de Borchgrave is editor at large for The Washington Times and United Press International. He covered Tet as Newsweek's chief foreign correspondent and had seven tours in Vietnam between 1951 under the French and 1972, during the U.S. involvement."

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