Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Brothers...

Georgia had a tooth fall out. She placed it under her pillow for the tooth fair of course. She also placed a note for the tooth fairy. The note was a series of questions that Georgia had for the tooth fairy. Unfortunately the brothers were made aware of the note, and intercepted it before the tooth fairy could complete it, and of course the boys completed the note for her. The note reads:

My name is Georgia. I live on 710 Atherton Drive, which is here (Love that part "which is here") I don't keep my teeth. My room is purple.
Are you a boy or a girl? Girl
What is your name? Agnes Tooth.
Where do you live? On Fiji.
What do you do with the teeth? I eat them.
What does you room look like? Blue & Pink, with teeth.
How old are you? 1700
Do you have pets? Yes, dogs. Tonsil & Gums
Note: Heavy metal rocks! xoxoxoxo, Agnes

Don't worry I get them back for her.


Angie said...

Oh my goodness...I can't stop laughing! Silly boys!

Maria said...

Too funny! Your kids are very creative!

Hazelhofer said...

What would Georgia do without her big brothers? Life wouldn't be as exciting huh! love the part "which is here"! Georgia rocks