Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Still Mr. Fast

Sam told woke up excited to run the mile the other day. "Dad we are running the mile at school today." Me "You seem fired up about it." Sam " I am!" Me "Going to kick some butt or something?" Sam "Heck Yes!"

Sam had the fastest mile in the school. He was the fastest with his buddy Shane at the beginning of the year when they tested. They had the same time. He told me he beat his buddy here at the end of the year by a couple of seconds. Of course in order to be the fastest in the school he had beat out all the 6th graders! I can't keep up with him, and he's only going to get faster.
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Zach said...

You just used the phrase "Sam I am!" in a blog post. Part of me thinks that's really funny for some reason.

Josh said...

Sammy us fast and handsome!

Maria said...

Faster than Lightning! Good luck trying to keep up:)