Monday, February 18, 2008

Snow Camping

We took the troop snow camping. Quite an adventure. Patrick, Sam, and I got up late. About 5, and they all got there around 2:30. This is the leaders cave.
I didn't sleep in it. Too crowded, and I'm not a good sleeper. I snore way too loud. I didn't have time to build my own cave, and I'm not sure I could have slept in it anyhow.
Brian did a lot of the digging on the leaders cave. It slept 3 that night. Started with four. One went to the car.
This one of the boys cave. Patrick slept in this cave with 3 other boys. So they put down a tarp inside the cave. Then they each had a therma pad between their sleeping bag and the tarp. The got in their bags, and wrapped themselves in another tarp.

Patrick was saying that their cave was very deep. It went for "miles". I try not to think about it. I slept in my tent with Sam. The cave he was going to sleep in was 75 yards from the camp! I don't know what those guys were thinking, but there was no way I was letting him sleep out there. He and I slept great, well he slept great. I slept for about 15 minutes that night. This is a shot of Patrick coming out of his cave in the morning. He survived a 12 degree night time temp. Reported that he slept fine. Maybe in a year I'll be interested in doing it again.


Angie said...

BRRRR.... At least now you can say that you have had a taste of what our weather is like! I prefer the nice weather!! I am glad that you guys had a fun time!

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Fun Fun Fun

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh! That just makes me think that by the time Connor is ready for scouts (and camp outs) that Senior Citizen John is never going to make it in snow caves or any tent activity. Way to go Sean!

By the way...your welcome to build snow caves in our back yard next year.

Jennie said...

Okay... that so doesn't look fun. You are a good sport. I think Ryan would have tapped out on that one. You guys are troopers.