Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gordon's Note

I have a friend that passed this note over on email. I want to share it with you because I think it's a good thing to see. We as Saints are a very blessed, and fortunate group of people. I think a lot of the hard work of being a LD Saint was done by pioneer ancestors, and we really as Saints have it much nicer than they did. So continue to help that rock roll along, and realize we are involved with something great. With that in mind, Gordon thanks for passing that along, and to the rest of us, shine a little brighter.

I have to share an experience I had last night at a dinner in Dallas, Texas. I don't know why, but it was astounding and highlighted why Romney "never caught on" to the open-minded inclusive GOP. I was dining with several endocrinologists--that's a "doctor" for those of you in Rio Linda. Anyway, the discussion turned to presidential politics. I listened intently as there was one obvious Obama supporter. The other two were clearly republican, and a fourth seemed rather out of the loop but seemed to lean to the right. Early on all four of them commented about how great it was that a black man and a woman were leading contenders for the white house, and one of them commented that "we (the country) have come so far." At one point the conversation drifted to the GOP, and quickly to Romney's departure. The republicans seemed sad, wished he had done better and were non-committal on McCain. Then, the physician who was most outspoken about the republican race blurted out, "Well, to be honest, I'm kind of relieved that we won't have a Mormon in the white house." There was a momentary pause, as we were all surprised. Her angst seemed to come from deep inside and we were all taken aback. One of the doctors commented that it's "kind of like the catholic thing..." But the physician quickly jumped right back. "It's nothing at all like the catholic religion, and if you'd like to hear more I'd be happy to fill you in." There was a buzz at the table, but I jumped in. There was no way I could let it go uncharged. I asked her, why being Mormon had anything to do with being president. She rolled her eyes and started to speak when it finally hit her. She looked at me and said, "I hope you're not a Mormon." I smiled at her and said, "I absolutely am, and I can't wait to hear your answer." Now, these people are my customers. I was at dinner with them in part to earn their business. The last thing I wanted to do was stir up controversy and hurt my business. So when, as if on cue, a server appeared with water for the table, and the doctor quickly changed the subject, I chose to let it go. The physician didn't speak to me the rest of the night, in fact our eyes never met. I was disgusted and offended. She, I think, was embarrassed and ashamed. I chose to let her sit in her muck. Nonetheless, the experience illustrated for me clearly that despite her earlier comments, America has NOT come a long way. It was over 150 years ago that the Mormons were driven from state to state and ultimately out of the United States to practice their religion in peace. Now, despite 150 years of peaceable, christian living, the religious persecution has risen again and this time it cost the nation a preeminent leader. I don't know if there is a solution, but four years of Mitt Romney as the leader of the conservative coalition can only help.Gordon

1 comment:

Josh said...

This is very interesting! It is really to bad. If youask me a bigot is a bigot. It does not matter if they are a religious bigot or a racial bigot. That is just terrible, I guess that lady was wrong we haven't made it that far Hunh?