Sunday, June 08, 2008

Like Father, Like Son?

Patrick spoke in church today. He did a great job, really did well. It was his second time speaking in Sacrament meeting, but it looked like he'd done it a many, many times before. He looked very comfortable. I asked Suz before hand, " is he nervous?" She said "I'm sure we're much more nervous than he is", and that was the case. 

I had plenty of people tell me he did a great job. He got a very nice compliment from an older gentleman who said that he had brought a visitor to church, and that the visitor said that Patrick's talk seemed to be written just for her, and that she really enjoyed it. 

It really is a neat thing that our young people have the opportunity from a very young age (starting at age 3 in primary) to learn to speak publicly. I remember the nightmare it was for me when I first spoke in church at 16 and how I thought I was going to die. Not to mention my famous first blessing of the sacrament that is apparently legendary in the Placerville ward. I refuse to write that moment down so that I can deny it ever happened if I need to, but if you've never heard that story and would like to know I'd be glad to tell you over the phone. It really is funny. 

So I really enjoy public speaking now. Such a strange thing considering I thought it was going to kill me the first couple of times, and for many times to come. I look at my kids, and it is so easy for them, and I think how much more accomplished a speaker they will be when they are my age. I hope everyone had a great weekend, have a great week as well! 


Jennie said...

Well done Patrick! We wish we could have been there to hear it.

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Good job, Patrick although it is probably is more like, "Like mother like son".

JJ will be speaking next week (Father's Day). I volunteered him and he doesn't know about it yet since he is away this week teaching at at Scout leadership camp. He'll be perfect, however, since he has such an awesome father :)

Josh said...

Sean, I heard you speak in church and elders quorm and you are great and I am sure between you and Suzi you guys have made some pretty freakin' awesome kids.

P.S. I was in the placerville ward and the story is still told about Sean and blessing the sacrament. One of the best chruch stories that you will hever hear that really DID happen.

Maria said...

Great job Patrick!

Josh told me the story...I was rolling!! Thanks for a good laugh:) Can't wait to see you guys on Friday!

Troy and Julie said...

Patrick did AWESOME sunday. Meant to tell you guys...told him, but not the parents, go figure?!! You should be proud he is such a great kid. If Matthew loves him everyone should, right? Hey we added you guys to our blog, hope you are not charging for the rights to view or anything, cause we did it for free!!