Thursday, January 10, 2008


I've been following the two primary's pretty closely this year, and I have to admit I hate watching the bias involved. It is disgusting to me. 

For example, I hate how excited the media is about Obama "He's a rock star." Prior to NH vote all they talked about was how Obama was going to shut Hillary down. They mocked her for her show of emotion, and some how she pulled out a win in spite of a free media smear campaign

If you don't think the media can influence a vote, why  in the world do people pay billions of dollar every year in TV advertising. 

If you examine the republicans all they are talking about is McCain's momentum. McCain after 3 states is in third in delegate's. Romney is in first after 3 states, and all I hear about him is how he campaign is falling apart.

The media is disgusting. 


Zach said...

The plural of "primary" is "primaries"... "primary's" is denoting things belonging to an organization of LDS kids...

Josh said...

Vote Democrat in 2008!