Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Save The Rhinos!

Save the Rhinos. Just not that one. I don't like the way he's looking at me. Shoot him.
I read a bit of this article titled: "Hunter who trekked to Africa to bag rhino for BYU says trophy will help conserve the species."
I was confused by the title, confused by the first couple paragraphs, gave up, and thought I'd post a blog about it instead.
Not that I don't think knowing how to hunt, and butcher aren't good skills to have; just not that into to it I guess. Not like Josh Litchy. Now there is a guy that like to shoot stuff that moves. Kidding.
The article didn't really confuse me, I just found the logic a bit fuzzy.


Zach said...

I saw that article and thought the exact same thing.

Josh said...

I also read that article. glad you thought of me. Can't wait to see you.